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Coming out of such a long absence

My new MM romance is coming out very soonI am pleased to show you the cover, as well as the 4th cover.

Adi is a lonely teenager who has never known his father and has few friends.The day he reveals his homosexuality to his mother, he does not understand why she rejects him and forces him to leave her house, since he has no more chosen to be gay than left-handed.Adi then takes refuge with his grandmother who fortunately supports him and surrounds him with affection.But will that be enough to make up for the lack of maternal love and make him a fulfilled young man?When he meets Kaz, his heart races.He has never felt something so strong for a boy, so when he tells him of his upcoming departure for the army, Adi is devastated.You can order your paper book by contacting me here or on Facebook.

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